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  1. Hypothesize which bunnies would better survive in the arctic environment. Why?

Bunnies with white fur would be better adapted and survive to the artic environment, as in the winter, the arctic hare's fur turns snowy white to match the winter landscape, which causes their fur to match the snow and camouflaged to the environment.

2. Choose the arctic environment. What happened? Why?

Since bunnies with white fur are better adapted and camouflaged to the artic environment, the amount of white bunnies and brown bunnies showed a significant difference as the population of the white bunnies is larger than the brown bunnies.

3. Add wolves. What happened now? Why?

The reason why the white bunnies survived better in the artic environment is that because of their fur that camouflaged to the environment. And that the reason why the brown bunnies are unluckily to survive is that they have a different coloration from the ground which makes them a more noticeable target for the wolves

4. Reset. Press Arctic. Give the bunny white fur. Add friends. Give food. What happened? Why?

As I’ve seen from the simulator, the brown bunnies died in the first few generations, and after that happened, as the white bunnies reproduced, there are also quite a lot of bunnies that died and at the end, all the bunnies died

5. Reset. Press Arctic. Click long teeth. Which one is depicted on the chart as a larger population (long or short teeth)? Why do you think this happened?

Bunnies with short teeth has a larger population, which is because in their living place, doesn’t require to have some long teeth, and that the short teeth bunnies have no need to the longer teeth.

6. Click on long tails. Which one is depicted on the chart as a larger population (long or short tail)? Why do you think this happened?

Bunnies wit short tails has a larger population, since I think it’s more effective in their current living space and that short tails will also make them able to move quickly and fast.


1,2,3. Same concept goes to the brown bunnies. Since their color of the fur matches the ground of their living environment, it makes them camouflaged better and causes them to most likely to survive in that environment. Which also increases their population since they camouflaged better that makes the wolves killed all of the white bunnies as they stand out more than the brown bunnies.

4. the brown bunnies died in the first dew generations, after that happened, the white bunnies are all died

5. Short teeth bunnies survive better than long teeth bunnies, due to the short bunnies doesn’t need to have a larger teeth and that it’s also more effective for them to reach their foods.

6. The short tail bunnies has a larger population, because it allows them to move faster and hide from the wolves with short tails.

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