- Darwin's Theory of Evolution is basically that all life is related from our ancestor; the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers are all related in Darwin's theory. It's stated that: "Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected)" which means that evolution in Darwin's theory happened because it occurs naturally over time, and that there's no other factor than that except a genetic mutations that occur in that organism's genetic code. This mutation happened because that specific organism needs to survive in their current environment which also known by the natural selection.
-Natural selection caused by the result of adaptation of an organism towards their environment which in Darwin's theory is because of the changes of genetic constitution. In natural selection, mutation in genotype would increase an organism's chances of survival plus, this will multiplied from generation to generation until the next mutation occur. The example of this would be our rabbit experiment last week. where in an arctic ecosystem there's white furred rabbit and brown furred rabbit. But then, since the brown furred rabbit couldn't camouflage in the arctic environment, the prey would easily discovered and hunt them, which makes the white furred rabbit population increases
- Adaptation could be described as a trait that will help organism to survive in their current environment. Which could also be a selfish way for them to stay alive as well as stay away from their preys. Animals adaptation could be separated to 3 groups which consist of structural, chemical, and behavior. The physical structure of an animal helps an organism to live. The example of this is shark, with their sharp teeth. Since they're preys, it'll be easier for them to catch their foods. Another example would be different types of bird beaks which depends on how they eat. Chemical in animals could also be one of the way for them to survive and live. The example of this is a jelly fish with their outside layer that could sting whoever touch it. Lastly, the behavior of that animal, for ezample; bird calls and migration are behavioral adaptations.