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Engineering Design Process

Define the Problem (Abstract)

Creating a device that works consistently to tell the time, without using electricity, that lasts the minimum of 2 minutes.

Background Research (or inspiration for ideas

Using our biggest advantage, the technology; mostly the internet was what lead this project to Inspired by the hour glass, which originally use glass, and sand as a medium, this water based ‘hour glass’ made mostly out of water, and oil. Adding the oil is supposed to resemble the lava lamp, which makes this ‘hour glass’ not only pleasing to look at, but also works as a device thats works without electricity to keep up with time.

Specify Requirements (what product should do and materials needed)

Tools and Materials that are needed to make this ‘hour glass’ are two plastic bottles, glue gun, sellotape, duct tape, screwdrivers, straw, water, oil, as well as food coloring to add color as to make it close to a lava lamp. Using the right plastic bottles are required as it is to hold the water and the oil together, preferably a sturdy plastic bottle as it would be a better medium that helps with balance, to keep the ‘hour glass’ stand up straight.

Brainstorm Solutions (list different possible ideas considered)

The first idea was to create a device that would work similarly to a pendulum. Other ideas that was considered is a lemon clock. The lack of materials, and background research made those two ideas didn’t get to be chosen

Choose the Best Solution (why did you choose this solution?)

an hour glass was chosen to be the best solution as it is the most possible ideas that can be made in the matter of days, in basic engineering class. Materials that are used are also straightforward as they are materials that can be found in the daily basis. Other consideration of making this device is that it is child friendly as it mainly uses water, and oil.

Develop Product (how did you design/make your product)

The design of this oil water ‘hour glass’ was fully inspired by how an hour glass would usually look. Considering the damage as what a glass would make; cracking, broken. Plastics water bottle was used instead, to avoid those possibilities.

Build a Prototype (how did you make your prototype)

The first idea was to make it as similar to an hour glass by using two empty plastic water bottles. This would work by turning one of the water bottle upside down and meet both of the caps together keeping them attached together. The first step to the making of this prototype is that to take out both of the bottle caps and make two holes so that both of the straw would fit. Avoiding the two opening, glue both of the caps using the glue gun, making them stick together. Wait until the glue dries, then fit both of the straw to the holes. Then, filled one bottle with oil, and water which has already mixed with water color for the other bottle. Secure one of the bottle, then preferably the bottle filled with water is the one to be screwed on top. Watch the device operates.

The first problem was the leaking of the oil and what seems to be the problem was that there were a gap between the bottle caps which are caused by a rough surface. Making the glue didn’t stick properly to the surface of the caps. redesigning the product was first started by opening the water bottle on top, unscrew the cap to the bottom water bottle, and file the surface of the cap so that once it is glued together, it stays and keep the water and oil from leaking out. Another thing that changed was as the glue drying, putting a weight on top of the cap help them stick better. Seal it with duct tape around the caps afterwards, also helps with preventing them to leak.

Conclusion (Was your design successful? Why/Why not? Recommendations for future design.)

The design itself, was successful as there were no leakage and the device stands quite strongly, and the most important thing is that it works. But it is not successful as it is not consistent in terms of telling the time. Yes, it works for more than two minutes, but the movement of the oil is different each time. Recommendations for future design is that to use vegetable oil instead of just a regular cooking oil, as it wouldn’t create lumps that would affect the movement of the oil.

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