This term for Biology we learned a lot of things including the genetics and human body, which includes traits, genetic, dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous, etc. We also learn about the human body system and how organs in our body work together to create a certain movement or a certain thing that’ll affected our body, the steps of Meiosis, DNA replication, and pedigree. But personally, I am really interested to learn about the disease because I’ve always been interested in having to know what causes the disease and how the disease works in general.
The disease that I got for this term is malaria. Since I’m really excited about it, I researched quite a lot of stuff and I think all the tasks are working really well since I’m in one group with the people that I’m really close to, so it’s easy to separate the group work as well as finishing the products with our knowledge and creativity. I believe that every hard work should have a great result too, and I feel like I’ve given all my ability to achieve good grades for biology this term, and I am satisfied with the result.
What I could’ve done better is just to be more productive in my free time and to stop procrastinating because even though I manage to finish all the work on time, I’m still struggling with all the projects that I should be done. “Sometimes when you have so much to do, you just don't know how to start” and that is so true because with all the work that should be done, I tend to procrastinate until the very end of the due date, which is exhausting. With all that being said, I’m looking forward for the next term and try to change my bad habit so that I could not only finish the work, but also enjoying the process of the work.